Insights and Analysis

We listen to people's stories about health and social care services in Harrow. Each and every month, we receive and review around 300 experiences - about services including local GPs and Dentists, Northwick Park Hospital, Mental Health and Social Care Services.

Every story is valued, and evaluated - to establish what has worked well, and what potentially could have worked better. It is our view, that local services should meet the needs of local people.

Our findings are detailed in our trends analysis reports. Produced quarterly (every three months) they report on individual services, and also services as a whole right across the borough. We share the reports with our partners in the NHS and Local Authority, and they are also available right here on the website.

Click here to view the latest insights and analysis.

Social Isolation & Loneliness Survey

During the pandemic, many people experienced for the first time, what other people had been experiencing all the time. For some people, there was no difference, because they already felt isolated and lonely. Social isolation is a measure of the number of contacts people have. Loneliness relates to the quality of those relationships. People may become lonely after the loss of a spouse or a loved one. Other common triggers include retiring from work, children leaving home, having reduced mobility, or no longer being able to participate in enjoyable activities for some reason.

People may happily choose to have only a few contacts, but they may not choose to be lonely. The purpose of this survey is to establish the reasons and frequency of Social Isolation for the local population and to attempt to address the issues once highlighted.

We would ask you to give specific details of any groups, clubs and activities you attend, so that, as a result of the survey, we can compile a comprehensive list of activities available locally.

The survey closes on 19th January 2025.

Click here to complete (paper copies on request).

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