
Meet the team

Find out more about our staff and volunteers

Staff Members

Yaa Asamany - Manager


"Managing a service like Healthwatch Harrow is rewarding because I get to learn about experiences of Harrow residents which I share with providers to influence change. I speak directly to the people who commission health and social care in Harrow, and they tell me that residents’ voices bring value to the work they do. They want Harrow to be a healthy borough to live in."

020 8869 8484



Darren Morgan -  Associate Information Manager


"Most of my work for Healthwatch Harrow involves writing reports and sharing up-to-date analysis about our work. But none of the facts, figures and insights would be possible without our dedicated team of volunteers, who engage with local residents and professionals throughout the year."

020 8869 8484



Marie Pate - EWL Operations Manager


"We all know of the economic challenges that face those that are providing our services. My role is to make sure we don’t lose sight of our rights to receive services that are fit for purpose and received equally by all who live in Harrow. I ensure that we escalate concerns, through the evidence you provide us, to those that commission the services so that we all see improvements."

020 8869 8484
