October - December 2024, Experience of GP Services

How have things changed, since the previous quarter?
Top Themes: A broad majority of people receive good quality treatment and nursing care, with good levels of involvement and support. According to feedback, patients would like greater levels of service access. Overall sentiment is 80% positive,19% negative and 1% neutral, comments suggest.
Service Access: People continue to report difficulties with telephone access, associated problems with booking, and longer than expected waits for routine appointments. Satisfaction on service access has declined by 4% this quarter, comments suggest. Complaints are up by 17% on ability to book appointments and by 3% on waiting times, while down by 8% on telephone access.
Clinical Treatment and Staff Attitude: Experiences indicate a broad majority of people receive good quality treatment & nursing care, however user involvement is in cases lacking. On staff attitude, there is general praise for clinicians, while notable criticism of reception staff. This quarter, complaints are up by 3% on staff attitude, with no change recorded on treatment and care.
Administration and Communication: We receive complaints about general administration, and some patients would like greater levels of support from reception staff, and levels of communication service wide. Repeat prescriptions, test results and staff training are also cited as issues. Complaints are down by 14% on communication and by 3% on administration.